The Nigerian Way (The Naija Factor)

The Crazy Nigerian

naijaBack here in Nigeria there are three ways of doing things: The right way, the wrong way, and the Nigerian way. The sooner you learn that around this neck of the woods the better! Your particular choice would depend not so much on your nationality but rather whether or not you happen to be resident in Nigeria at the time. Yes, Nigeria has been known to make even the most principled expatriates behave in unorthodox ways. What would YOU do in the following situations?

 How to act when you arrive at a bank and meet a long queue

  • The right way – Get to the back of the queue and fall in line
  • The wrong way – Head to the front, ignoring the queue (and the hisses)
  • The Nigerian way – Persuade the person at the back of the queue to reserve the invisible spot behind him/her while you go…

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